Music Education for Parents
Parenting is both an easy and hard job. You plan to do one big thing, but then there are dozens of small cases and by the end of the day you do not have time to make your plans! The same thing is happening with your child.
How often do you have to do several things at once? For example, for breakfast while reading the news or checking E-mail messages. Do you remember the annoying feeling at the end of the day, when you realize that you did not do what you planned to do that morning? In other words, doing several things at once, we are condemning ourselves to a dubious success.
Learning music – it is a creative process. You cannot question the inventor, when did you come up with a new car, the airplane, a game, etc? He is the creator and we should learn from his work. An inventor cannot think of all the parts of his invention at the same time (except in the beginning when trying to see the final picture of his ideas). Only because of the skill of the creator to separate the wheat from the chaff, the world gets the ingenious inventions of mankind.
How do you combine all the above said together with your child’s homework and get the maximum benefit?
First, never force a child to play a musical instrument for a certain amount of time, putting a clock before his face. All children are different and all of them have different abilities and skills to perform assignments (homework). One child can easily do the job for the piece in just 15 minutes, another child has to spend and even more than one hour! Instead, every time a child nervously glances at the alarm clock and languishes waiting for “deadline,” focus his attention on the main goal-performing the teacher’s task.
Second, divide the daily music practice into several parts, each time setting a new goal – one piece, one musical sketch, only the scale, etc.
Third, set aside everything and try to always be with the child while he is practicing, even if you do not understand anything about it. Your “physical” support is particularly important, especially in the initial stage of training and until the child learns how to learn. Only when he learns to understand how to work on a particular piece by himself, you can watch it from a distance.
Fourth, do not distract the child with extraneous conversations. If you feel that he is wrong during his practicing, but cannot comment on it, it is better not to talk about his mistakes. Not one word! Instead, ask your child to please you, and play again and again, until you like it.
Fifth, if the child gets success and fulfills the teacher’s task correctly, be sure to praise him for his hard work and the fact that he bought you pleasure.
That’s the secret: Focusing on one of the child’s pieces in one period of time. He quickly learns to concentrate on his work, and thus do the job faster. From now on, only you can conclude how much time it took to prepare your child for the next music lesson.
Five top tips to parenting a musically talented child with some Rules
If you use these very important tips, soon you’ll discover a new young Mozart in your family.
1. Listening to the music is the number one rule
To teach your child to speak immediately after his birth (and even before he came to this world) you start talking to him. The more your child hears the human voice, the more he begins to understand the talk. And if you talk to the baby in two or more languages, then it will also be able to do this after a while. This is not a secret.
It’s the same with music. If your child often hears the same song, he soon begins to sing it, even if neither parent taught him that! According to statistics, if the older children in the family play instruments at home, younger brothers and sisters will be more talented. From this we can conclude that listening to music (especially the living music, not recorded) makes your child musically talented!
2. Keep this secret from the child
If you want your child to play a musical instrument, while receiving all of the benefits from this activity, but did not set the goal to make him a professional musician, do not talk about it, especially in his presence! Violating this rule will soon have you seeing that your child will grow cold to music lessons and leave the class.
3. Praise the Child’s work
Praise your child as often as possible, and, most of all, praise him for his work and his desire to practice. Discuss his hard work with your friends on the phone with your husband and other people, and your child must hear it! If you notice that your child is lazy, never discuss it with anybody!
Violating this rule will further customize a child against music lessons. Instead of this big mistake, it is better to find out the reason why the child lost interest and not shift the blame on his shoulders.
Every parent wants to see their child be more successful than Mom or Dad are. It is impossible to raise a hardworking child while lying on the couch and talking about how he needs to work hard to achieve something in this life. Set an example!
4. Have fun, success will follow
If your musically gifted child does not get pleasure from playing a musical instrument, it means that either the parents or the music teacher did something wrong. That error makes a child relate to the music lessons as a routine. A true professional knows how to maintain a constant interest in the child to the music. He knows how to make every lesson in a fascinating journey into the magical world of sound. Making work fun will surely bring success to your child.
5. Constantly learn and look for ways how to help your child
This applies especially to those parents who do not have a musical education. When you understand how your child gets an interest in music, immediately look for answers to the question: how do you maintain a constant interest in studies for your child?
Read books about music education, meet and talk with the parents of successful students, ask questions of the music teacher and be in constant search.